Youth Retreat
a perfect time to give direction to life

Every child is unique, every child special. Their style of learning differs but not the glimmer in their eyes. Inquisitive expressions on their innocent faces, make you want to leave no stone unturned to give them all the answers. The summer
Youth Retreat Camp is a uniquely designed retreat to reach out to those in their adolescence, the perfect time of learning. The foundation of this retreat is to impart dynamic knowledge based on traditional yet contemporary techniques
so that your child returns home with new learnings and a budding quest to explore the path of spirituality.

The much-awaited event of the youth
The youth retreat camp at the ashram is a much celebrated and exceedingly awaited event amongst the teens. It is thoughtfully designed with exquisite insight and aptly structured to give an expansive and comprehensive fulfilling
The arrows of our future
To bring out these outstanding yet latent attributes of children coming from different walks of life, Summer Youth Retreat with the revered master is a unique program fostering the all-round balanced development of youth. Hence,
once a year the revered master conducts a five day residential retreat for youngsters between 14 and 24 years, a wonderful opportunity to be with the master and imbibe ancient wisdom in a contemporary yet relatable style. It
channels their abundant energy, enhances their creativity and brings out their inherent talent. It’s the time when adults wish they were young again!
It aims to provide a strong, healthy and wise foundation to the lives
of the participants, leading to ever-growing and joyful personalities. It includes a vast array of interactive activities from yoga to meditation, goal setting to career counselling, stress busting techniques to enhancing concentration,
restoring and developing creative genius to relaxation techniques, so as to empower youth with healthy body and balanced mind.
Young inquisitive eyes longing to learn
There are lots of activities, loads of fun and tons of laughter! The mornings dynamic yogasanas, calming pranayama, cathartic meditation, heart-stirring bhajan-kirtan, and fun workshops - the youngsters are kept
on their toes throughout! Diverse workshops like theatre, cookery, dance, music, photography, painting, astrology, career counselling, candle making, web development and communication skills and the hugely popular Do-It-Yourself
(DIY) workshop give the youngsters a chance to challenge themselves and develop their skills and ingenuity. Group discussions allow them to share their viewpoint and voice their feelings. And self-defence sessions like Tae-kwon-do
and Chou are great to hone their reflexes, increase strength and stamina and generate confidence and focus. The retreat gives youngsters an opportunity to directly interact with the master, discuss issues of concern and bring
up topics which they would normally not discuss with parents.
No better companion than the Master herself!
In the master they find a friend to whom they can open up their hearts, who will always guide them honestly and who they know will never let them down. In Her gracious, compassionate presence, they learn not only tools and skills
to empower themselves but also qualities like sharing, cooperating and team work, which enable them to live a conscious, beautiful and grateful life.