Anandmurti Gurumaa
Bliss personified
This planet of ours is inhabited by billions of
humans. And they are distinguished from each
other based on their race, nationality,
ethnicity, religion, gender, physical features
and so on. But in essence, there are only two
kinds of people: Those who know the truth and
those who don’t. All other distinctions are
arbitrary and pointless.
The truth of who we
are, the truth of who God is, the truth of what
this world is. The ones who know this truth
experientially are called enlightened and those
who don’t, are un-enlightened or ignorant. There
is no third category of human beings. And
so arduous is the odyssey of truth, that it is
indeed serendipity to meet an enlightened being
in one’s life time.
Master - the awakened
One such personified rare pearl of wisdom is the
self-realised master, Anandmurti Gurumaa. A
mystic, yet uber contemporary. She can be
described as both, a modern-day sage and an
avant-garde metaphysicist. Born with an
exceptionally endowed mind, even as a child she
was keen on exploring the fundamental nature of
reality. Besieged by existential questions, she
embarked upon an inner voyage which propitiously
culminated in the desired objective of
Having consummately
accomplished the raison dˊêtre of human
existence, this compassionate master generously
shares her knowledge, her experiences with the
masses in order to awaken the latent potential
inherent in each and every human being. The
potential to transcend the limited confines of
the mind and taste the liberating freedom of
self-realisation; to do away with sorrow by
uncovering the ocean of bliss lying within, to
realise that it is ignorance of the ultimate
reality which is the root cause of all human
This profound compassion for
all sentient beings is the simple driving force
that takes her from one place to another, from
one continent to another holding meditation
retreats, giving erudite discourses, encouraging
self-enquiry, and inspiring especially the youth
to an evolved way of living.

Rationality above
What makes Gurumaa’s teachings credible and
palatable is the fact that she has awakened to
the higher reality and hence not only talks but
also walks the talk. Moreover, she is completely
secular with no allegiance to any one particular
religion or sect. Theists, atheists, agnostics –
all are welcomed with a warm open heart. Search
of the truth is her only religion. And being a
complete rationalist, unsurprisingly, she is
totally against blind faith.
earnest rational enquiry, one of her favourite
dictums is: ‘Be an explorer, not a blind
liberal-minded enlightened being carries the
beacon of refined wisdom with the intention of
spreading self-illuminating knowledge.
Creative and
Besides her perspicacious astute intelligence,
the master is known for her extraordinary
creative flair. This is amply reflected in the
vast compilation of multifarious literary and
musical compositions and diverse meditation aids
that are aimed at reaching out to folk all over
the world. Her teachings are profound yet
pragmatic and thus are a great source of
inspiration and guidance to people from all walks
of life.
This sophic master has given
highly erudite commentaries on a plethora of
ancient scriptures like the Bhagwad Gita, Sri
Guru Gita, Gurbani and various Upanishads whilst
also giving great insights into the lives of
glorious masters like Buddha, Sikh Gurus, Kabir,
Meerabai, Sahjobai, Rumi, Zen masters to name but
a few. There is no dearth of literature on
spirituality in this world. But dead books can
give you knowledge, not wisdom, says Gurumaa. A
living master is essential to guide you
individually according to your temperament and

Remedies for
stressful modern
Besides expounding upon esoteric stuff from the
spiritual realm, she has also spoken extensively
on topics pertaining to day to day problems and
issues encountered in these stressful modern
times. Thus, her in-depth talks on the mind,
emotions, stress, health, sensory indulgence and
so on are especially relevant in this day and
age. All this material has been compiled for
posterity and is readily available as books in
various languages, CDs, MP3s and DVDs. And there
is a specifically dedicated app called Amrit
Varsha which enables followers to be connected
with ashram activities at all times.
putting across profound concepts in simple, lucid
language liberally laced with anecdotes that
everyone can relate to, the charismatic master
manages to make solemn subjects both intriguing
yet intellectually accessible to laymen.
An embodiment of benefaction, the master is also
a passionate humanitarian, regularly taking
initiatives to lend a compassionate hand to
suffering brethren hit by calamities like floods,
drought, earthquakes and such like. Mission
Shakti is another prominent movement spearheaded
by this master. It is a non-political and
non-sectarian organisation that aims at
empowering deprived and underprivileged girls by
imparting education and life skills which allow
them to lead a life of financial independence
with dignity.

The grand
What can be greater than pure, unadulterated
liberation; what can be bigger than the
attainment of the ultimate truth; what can be
higher than arriving at the destination of
eternal bliss. An alchemist of the highest order,
this humanitarian master ceaselessly endeavours
and works tirelessly transforming ordinary lives
into extraordinary realms of unfettered