Gurbani Shabad | Sun Mann Mitr Pyareya

6932 views | 10 Dec 2020

सुणि मन मित्र पिआरिआ मिलु वेला है एह ॥ जब लगु जोबनि सासु है तब लगु इहु तनु देह ॥ sun man mitr piaariaa mil velaa hai eh || jab lag joban saas hai tab lag ih tan deh || Sri Guru Nanak Dev addresses his own mind as a dear friend and reminds that it is time to meet the beloved. Surrender to the true master, the sadguru & always remember the true purpose of life, that is to attain the real treasure of life. Guru Sahib's bani sung melodiously by revered master Anandmurti Gurumaa.

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