We are neither body nor mind but the supreme conscious itself manifesting in physical forms—
The ultimate truth reiterated by our realized sages time and again.
In an arduous journey towards realizing one's purest self and living our life term consciously and well, maintaining a healthy state of mind and body becomes imperative. This is where holistic health comes in to play its part and, the science of Ayurveda helps us immensely with that. Our great Rishis, who experientially explored the systems of Ayurveda, have laid out some principles to follow in the name of Dinacharya—A potent routine that can help improve your wellbeing and productivity manifolds ultimately leading you towards the inner transformation.
Out of compassion, revered Master Anandmurti Gurumaa has elucidated time and again on the same and stressed the need to include the Ayurvedic Dinacharya into our daily regimen, which can help keep a thousand ailments at bay. Also, it will add to the armour of good karmas that bring wellness and happiness not only to you but also to the people around you. So, what are these principles? Let's delve deep to know more.
Principles of an Ayurvedic Dinacharya
● Dant Dhaavan: (Teeth Cleansing): Do you know unhealthy gums can cause blockage in the arteries? Merely by having a look at your gums, a good Ayurvaidyacharya can tell if your heart is in problem and to what extent.
Datun, the traditional way to clean teeth and gums, is ingenious. It is a ready-to-use toothbrush, and you do not even need toothpaste to go with it. Maulashree, Babul, Arjuna, or Neem— you may choose any— either in powder or twig form to disinfect. The phytochemicals in the Datun have purifying and strengthening properties that keep the gums and teeth healthy and germ-free.
● Tongue scraping: A lot of people nowadays do not understand the importance of tongue scraping. Do you know your tongue and gut are interrelated? Not very long ago, most people in Bharata used a scraper made from silver to clean the tongue! The regimen led to better digestion because it helped the stomach to secrete juices well. It is best to use a silver scraper; If you do not find one, go for steel. However, avoid using plastic variants.
● Gandusha: In ancient India and even today, many people who want to take care of their body well have an understanding of Gandusha. It involves sipping a teaspoonful of sesame or coconut oil and whisking it for 2-3 minutes in the mouth; ideally, it should be done for 10 minutes. This will not only impart health by fitting loosening teeth into their sockets but also improve your gut and stomach function.
● Karna Tarpanam: The process involves putting a few oil drops in your ears— Sesame oil is the best to go with. But, if you have insomnia, then cold-pressed coconut oil would be a better option. Putting 2-3 drops of oil in your ear will have a great impact on your sleep quality.
● Nasyam: Nasyam is the process of putting a few drops of herbal oil in the nose— you may use either almond oil, coconut oil or Triphala Ghrit for the purpose. The process is helpful in eradicating headache, migraine and heal sinusitis issues.
● Abhyangam: In Sanskrit, oil massage is referred to as Abhyangam. It is useful to do the practice with cold-pressed coconut or mustard oil in the summers and sesame oil in the winters. If you cannot do it every day, then at least practise every alternate day. If you have a therapist, it is better to take their help; else, do it on your own. Massaging from head to toe will bring great wellbeing because it is a 'Vata’-pacifying process for the body. Practising Abhyanga also helps keep skin and sleep issues at bay. It is immensely beneficial for babies too.
● Udavarta: Udavartan is another Ayurvedic regimen involving the application of a herbal paste on the body followed by scrubbing and bathe thereafter.
● Prayer: Nothing works better than a heartfelt Prayer; It is a powerful tool which, when practised every day with utmost sincerity and love in your heart, can work wonders to bring your body and mind in perfect balance. Our Sages often said that before stepping out of the home, one must say a prayer that is close to their heart. It helps cleanse the mind of duality, thus making you presentable inside out!
● Food: You should eat sattvic, easy to digest, and nutritious food. Also, when you sit for your meals, make sure that you have thanked the Lord for it; Always eat in silence with great gratitude in your heart while chewing every morsel at least 32 times.
Gurumaa often stresses on eating every morsel with great awareness. It will not only nourish your body, but sincere involvement in the process itself can serve as a tool for your spiritual upliftment.
Apart from Danta Dhaavan, Tongue Scraping, Gandusha, Karna Tarpan, Nasyam, and Abhyangam, one must practice Yoga Asanas diligently and every day to maintain a healthy mind and body— the most vital tools required to lead a good life and also work towards the ultimate objective of self-realization.
For a more profound insight into the Ayurvedic principles for healthful living, read Basic Principles of Ayurveda by revered Master Anandmurti Gurumaa. The book is also available in Hindi language. Click here to order your copy now.