Divine song of Sri Krishna, Shrimad Bhagavad Gita encapsulates the essential principles of life so as to live in harmony and wisdom. It has been beautifully and comprehensively explained by revered master Anandmurti Gurumaa. This specific set features the expositions of chapter 10 till chapter 18 of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita.
The tenth chapter has already been initiated in the beginning of the ninth chapter which emphasised upon immense love for the Lord and Guru. Beautifully describing the glories and vastness of the Lord, here the revered master explains the stages of enlightenment and reveals that it is the all-pervasiveness of Krishna which inspires the determination, longing, seeking, austerities and all that a seeker does to be one with the Lord. Moving on to the eleventh chapter, it is about darshan of universal form of Krishna - in fact an entirely new understanding of what exactly is meant by darshan of the Lord of the Universe, Krishna. It exquisitely unravels how it was the vividness of the words of Krishna which created the form perceived by Arjuna and not the mortal form.
Further, the twelfth chapter brings to light the two aspects of devotion i.e. nirguna or saguna. It establishes the fact that until and unless you know Krishna in his real formless form, you cannot get established in Krishna. You can play with the gross form of Krishna but the attainment of Krishna will happen only with gyana, gyana of his formless form, and the same applies for the Guru. It also includes the elaboration of various paths of yogas viz. Gyana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Hatha Yoga. It ends with the illuminating unveiling of the ephemeral and illusionary nature of this world so as to disillusion the seeker.
Delineating the wisdom of Kshetra and Kshetragya, chapter thirteen describes in detail their distinction and how they are complementary to each other. It also includes the explanation of inter-relation between elements besides the attributes of nature and offers answers to the inquisitiveness of a seeker to know: Who is the creator of this world, who is running the nature, who has created me and so on. In the course of explanation, Gurumaa has emphatically explained the importance of Sewa and how it helps the seeker to grow spiritually by purifying the mind.
Fourteenth chapter is the revelation of the supreme wisdom by Lord Krishna. The Lord declared that the one who understands this gyana and becomes established in it will attain the transcendental nature and will never take birth again. It includes the explanation about the modes of material nature i.e. the gunas and the results of the actions done in different modes along with the answer to the query of Arjuna - What are the signs through which we can recognise the one who is transcendental to these three modes?
Fifteenth chapter demystifies the purpose of Vedic wisdom with the help of an analogy of a tree which has its roots in the sky and branches on the ground and Vedas are its leaves. Revered master Anandmurti Gurumaa has mystically explained how the branches are going upwards and downwards, creating and covering this whole world. And it is only with the weapons of vairagya and viveka that the roots of this tree can be cut i.e. one can be freed from the delusion of this samsara. This is possible only with devotion and surrender to the omniscient and omnipresent Lord.
Sixteenth chapter describes in detail the divine and demoniac nature, and how the divine qualities are conducive to liberation whereas the demoniac qualities lead to bondage. Following up on this is the seventeenth chapter wherein Arjuna enquires from Krishna about what happens to those who do not follow the principles laid down in the scriptures but do worship a certain deity. Explaining the answer as given by the Lord, the revered master has lucidly explicated the fruits of the actions arising out of the dominance of a guna in the person. It ends with the in-depth description about the purpose of performing charity, penance or sacrifice in accordance with the scriptures.
Last chapter, the eighteenth chapter is the essence of all the chapters. Now at this time Arjuna enquires from Krishna that he wants to understand the essential purpose of tyaga and sannyasa. While explaining this, Gurumaa has given a detailed exposition on what Lord Krishna replied. Including the judgement of the Lord as to who is a tyagi and who is a sannyasi, this chapter also emphasises on the performance of one's duties. Further it describes the threefold fruits of the action by the one not living a renounced life, the causes of actions, the three gunas and their dominance on the performance of the actions. This chapter declares as to whom this wisdom should never be revealed and explained, and what are the blessings bestowed upon the one who listens to this gyana with faith and is engaged in worship of the Lord with devotion. In the end, this chapter offers an in-depth understanding into how Arjuna was freed from his doubts and was inspired to do his duty, to fight against evil and to uphold the truth.