About the book
What is meditation? What is not meditation? How to choose the right method of meditation? Why meditate? Art of Meditation by revered master Anandmurti Gurumaa answers all these questions and more as it covers everything about meditation. It brings to light the essential purpose of meditation, and how method of meditation is not meditation! It is a comprehensive manual for practice that includes different methods of meditation explained in detail with step by step process and select questions & answers posed by practitioners at different times. It is an invitation to embark on the adventure of the inward journey, clearing doubts and inspiring one to practice with dedication as one moves onto the path of internalizing and quietening the mind. Although no amount of theory can ever be a substitute for practice, yet the derived understanding and clarity lays down a strong foundation to catalyse focussed practice. This book has all that you would have ever wanted to know about meditation and its methods.